
Ahmedabad Textile Industry's Research Association (ATIRA) P.O. Ambawadi Vistar Ahmedabad - 380015, Gujarat, India

Contact us

Sample Collection Centre (Testing Labs) :
Tel: +91-079-26305131
M : 9313541439

General Board Lines : Tel: +91-079- 26303363, 26307921, 26307922, 26307923, 26305132

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    Addressed To:

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    Division Person Email
    ATIRA has EPABX with auto call back facility. please dial extension number to contact
    Mr. Pragnesh Shah
    Extension 350
    Directors’ Secretariat
    Ms. Gretta Joseph
    Extension: 351
    Incubation Centre for Technical Textiles| Braiding | Nano- web based Technology
    Ms. Deepali Plawat
    Sr. Dy. Director
    Extension: 384
    Textile Testing Lab |Technical Textile Testing| Geotextile Testing |Composite Testing
    Ms. Deepali Plawat
    Sr. Dy. Director
    Extension: 384
    Centre of Excellence: Composites
    Pultrusion | Infusion Lab | Compression Moulding
    Dr. T. Gangopadhyay
    Dy. Director
    Extension: 348
    Composites: Business Development
    Mr. Sanjay Soni
    Head- Business Development (Composites)
    Composites: New Product Development
    Mr. Bhushan Chaudhary
    Head – Operations and New Product Development
    Human Resources Department
    Ms. Deepti Dihiye
    Head – HR
    Marketing and Sales
    Ms. Jyoti Taskar
    Head – Marketing and Sales
    Chemical Technology Department (CTD)
    Mr. Nitin Shah
    Extension: 358
    Environmental Engineering
    Ms. Deepali Plawat
    Sr. Dy. Director
    Extension: 384
    Powerloom Service Centre Ahmedabad,
    Indore, Dholka
    Mr. Dhananjay Shah
    Extension: 343
    Calibration Lab
    Mr. Hemant Patel
    Extension: 383
    Sample Collection Window
    Ms. Snehal Thakkar
    Extension: 376
    Mrs. Hina Shah
    Extension: 368
    Admin | Training | Membership
    Ms. Anita Kapoor
    Manager – Admin, Training and Membership
    Mr. Bharat Odedra
    Purchase Manager
    Finance & Accounts
    Mr. Jigar Chokshi
    Extension: 378

    ATIRA : Indore

    Mr. Adish Jain
    ATIRA Regional Centre
    Textile Block
    Shri Vaishnav Polytechnic College Campus
    M.O.G. Lines
    Indore 452 002
    Tele Fax : (0731) 2788232
    email :